Maiden Japan (1981) Ep Official

This Ep is published on september 14th, 1981. There two artworks : the official and a venezuelian item. The cover art is a different image of Eddie : he is holding the decapitated head of singer Paul Di'Anno. This version is one of the rarest Iron Maiden items in the world.

Maiden Japan (1981) Ep
1. Running Free                      03:10     
2. Remember Tomorrow        05:45     
3. Killers                                04:52     
4. Innocent Exile                     04:02     
Total 17:49    

Blaze Bayley – Russian Holiday (Ep 2013)

La vie d’un fan réserve parfois de mauvaises surprises. Déjà payer le dernier Ep de Blaze Bayley   10 euros s’est relativement che...